Our community.
At Dimitra People, our focus is on building a collective of like-minded people, not a faceless network.
We nurture and tend to our relationships in every season. We champion, offer counsel and perspective. We never simply transact. At the heart of it, we do it because we genuinely care.

Our People
It’s this care that drives us to build a deep and real understanding of people. What matters to them and what makes them who they are, where they’re at their best, where they’ll shine and find flow.
We help them crystalise and communicate their value, going beyond their CV to ensure their proposition reflects who they really, truly are in addition to what they have already achieved.
We coach and empower people to ignite their path and propel them forward.

Our Partners
We’re equally committed to getting underneath the hood of the businesses we partner with, to really understand their needs, unpack their current context, culture and team dynamics – knowing that this changes over time.
We go beyond the position description, asking all the crucial questions (even the hard ones) to form a holistic view before we start looking for the answers.
We’re relentlessly curious and don’t just accept a brief at face value. Whilst our partners span industry, business size, stage of growth and location, we hold constant our commitment to culture.